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Installers go for quality and brand awareness, survey shows

Installers go for quality and brand awareness survey shows

A recent survey shows that installers and builders choose home improvement products based on the popularity of the brand, as well as quality.

Natural light specialist, LB Roof Windows, wanted to know what is behind the installers and  builders’ decision making process when purchasing skylights and roof windows for their residential and commercial projects. A recent questionnaire sent to more than 12,000 builders and installers revealed that most tradesmen (50% of the respondents) are looking for quality when sourcing home improvement products, specifically roof windows. Their clients’ familiarity with a certain brand is the second most important criteria, with 41.7% of Installers and builders opting for it, while price is a decisive factor for only 25%.

LB Roof Windows sales director, Adrian Cooper, said: “The respondents could choose multiple options, allowing us to get a clear view of their buying behaviour.

“We know our clients value true ‘fit-and-forget’ products, as reputation is paramount to their business success, with much of their work still being the result of customer recommendation. Naturally, they will seek a product that has proven itself time and time again. Perhaps a little more surprising was to see how important it is that their clients recognize and approve of a specific skylight or roof window brand.”

Another question revealed that, out of tPR223 - Velux centre pivot and slope and vertical roof wondowshe mainstream brands, the Velux roof window is most frequently installed by builders and installers – 87.5%.

LB Roof Windows is a major national supplier of Velux roof windows, skylights, blinds, and all the related accessories, with thousands of products in stock, ready for next day delivery.

“Velux is a market leading brand, popular with both the trade and the end-consumers,” said Adrian.

“However, we have noticed that many of our clients choose to buy the Aurora range, after finding out that, like Velux, it is also manufactured by the VKR Group, and delivers very similar benefits to its more well-known sister brand. While the Aurora window boasts the same unrivalled quality the reputable VKR Group is famous for, its more competitive price means our clients can also increase their profits with every installation,” added Adrian.

Aside from Velux and Aurora, the company also supplies the Dakea range of roof windows, skylights, and accessories, Coxdome roof domes and Sunsquare flat roof windows and skylights, including walk-on and access roof windows. The supplier has also recently introduced a range of glazed roof solutions to its portfolio, the fast growing Atlas Roof Lantern and Sky Room, made from slim, but strong and energy efficient aluminium frames that maximise sky views and natural light, while keeping the energy bills down.

Written by: Joe

Published on: 11 August 2015

Categories: Company News